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For Florists, freelancers and flower growers


Friday 14th March 2025, 7pm - Midnight


Please book your place by 14th Feb


No profit margin has been included in your ticket price, the goal is to build a sense of community and have a good time, not to make money.

The price includes enetrainment, canapes and a glass of fizz! Plus a small contribution to the venue hire. Vegetarians, vegans and nut allergies will be catered for, any other requirements please get in touch.


The Venue 

The Forge is a unique creative space in the heart of Bristol’s Arts Quarter. 

Located just 10 mins from Temple Meads train station it is easily accessible for those coming from further afield.


The Event

A purely social evet for like minded flower folk! 


As an industry we should be proud of the hard work, creativity and beauty we bring to the table. It’s important to celebrate this and each other.


So often our paths cross but we rarely get the opportunity to socialise without our snips.

The goal of this event is to help ‘‘forge’ friendships and connections so that we need never feel we are working alone or with only the flowers to talk to!


Please note - Places must be booked by 14th Feb - A min of 30ppl is required for the event to proceed, a full refund will be given should the event not go ahead as planned.

Florist Social Event

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